Thursday, April 08, 2010


Our family took a small break from hiking trails, and visited the Wildlife Animal Sanctuary.

For over 29 years, the Sanctuary has rescued and housed carnivores across the United States and Mexico. Most of the animals rescued have been either illegally kept, abandoned, abused, and/or exploited. Once rescued, the animals are kept at the 320 acres rural Sanctuary for the rest of their natural life.

My family is especially enamored with "big cats", so we were all happy to know that a place like this existed, and couldn't wait to visit and show our support! 

Rescued animals are first kept in large cages in order to get them used to being handled by people. Plus, they are observed to see what their personality is like if they get along with others, and can be paired.
Here are a couple of Tigers who obviously got along well with each other.

Princess, on the observation deck. She said that the cats were "gorgeous".

How beautiful are these two?

I love how this Lioness blends so well with her environment. I almost didn't see her.

My daughter wanted to know why they were separated by the fence.
I love her innate curiosity.

You know these two are married! Ha!

Yes, they even rescue Wolves!

Miss Tigress!


Am I seeing correctly?

Yes, that's an Ostrich!

On the way out we saw a bear!  I'm guessing he's going back to sleep. :-)

The Sanctuary is an amazing place. We left so uplifted, and happy that there are people in this world that would come together and be passionate about helping these animals. Of course, it's not a cheap endeavor. I was amazed that for all the animals they rescue, they take ZERO government dollars! There program is solely funded by individual contributors that know the importance of wildlife conservation. We were happy that our money help them a bit...

If you wish to contribute, please do so here!

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